Monday, January 21, 2013

Long time no see...

Be warned, this WILL be a long post, since I havent posted any real content since june...also, it will be out of order a little since there's so much to cover.

topics of discussion are:

my shitty love life
my employment
my crappy friends
my good friends
my social life
my crappy family
and the internet

First off, girl x and I have drifted apart. We still chat every now and then, and I genuinely love her company, but we just aren't as close as we used to be...

However, theres this chick in my class (theres call her girl Y) who I never paid much attention to, until my best mate dated her, then I fell in love...was it jealousy, maybe? Or perhaps just starting to get to know her? Anyway, they break up and because we had bonded while they were dating she came to me for support...well, not really - I offered it to her. We really started connecting, and we were constantly texting back and forth to each other. Because I sat next to her ex, we weren't together in class but we still texted each other under the table. Still some of the best chats I've ever had in my life, btw. I joked around with her, until the point where she was struggling not to laugh in the middle of class, whereas I was just sitting there in tears...
anyway, this fun had to end someday...can't let andrew be happy for too long, nope!
I made one too many jokes and she was instantly sick of me. Meanwhile, I had fallen head over heels and was about to tell her when she suddenly stopped talking to that was no fun. It really hurt when she started ignoring me, but i moved on.
The funny thing is though, she still talks to her ex, my best mate as if they were family, when all i did was make her laugh but she still gave me the vow of silence.

Enough about her for now but ill be talking about her again soon.

Now, onto my friends...Id like to thank my good friend E. She has been there for me no matter what and she will always help me out of a tight spot by talking me through it.

Also, Girl X's friend surprised me the other day by saying when she meets me she's gonna kiss me, although i don't believe her, considering the other night's events.

This chick who used to go to my school messaged me on Facebook saying she had a thing for me, flirts with me for 3 HOURS...(which was a huge self esteem boost) and then i find out its just my mate on her account having a bit of a laugh...well, fuck you dude! Finally i got a chick to like me! Finally im not gonna die alone. Oh, are - it was all just a big ruse.

That sure fucked up my ego...but that's ok, because at least they didn't try and change my Facebook name to Dick Muncher - that was my other friend!

At least one good thing came out of that prank - the pranker felt bad so they talked to Girl Y for me, and now she's talking to me again, YAY!!!

Bad thing is though, i am grounded for the last two weeks of the holidays, all because of my stupid brother. He  wanted me to google something. I did, and he cracks the shits because I used the wrong website, so he swears at me, so I swear back, he kicks me, I grab thing I know, I'M grounded for 2 weeks, meaning i can't go to my new job!

Thats right, i have a mate just opened up a game store called Game Shack in burnside (near Caroline Springs) and i help him out. Not that anyone reads this blog anyway, but the website is or

Most of  the bad stuff is out of the way, so onto some happy things now!

I am a massive Batman fan, but none of my friends share my enthusiasm...sure, they like the trilogy (which we saw together in IMAX recently) and some of them like the comics and games, but none of  them are true Batman fans like me.

Which is why i was so excited when i met a few Batman fans my age online. One of them is now my best friend, who i could trust with my life, even though he lives in New Zealand. He is also a massive HIMYM fan too!

So there we have it...not a great start to the year, especially since i have a ton of homework due in a bit over a week...

Ill try and keep this blog up to date from now on.

Also, HIMYM season 8 had a strong opening, that quickly fizzled out until a few weeks ago, as soon as Nick was canned. Episode 12 = THE. BEST. EPISODE. EVER!!!! Thank god season 9 has been officially announced!! <3
to read more of my himym ramblings,

Sunday, September 9, 2012

What are your actual thoughts on Carlee Ferguson?

please, only post your question once. anyway, carlees cool :) shes a really cool chick that i love to talk to :)

Monday, September 3, 2012

Sunday, September 2, 2012

What are your actual thoughts on Dylan Butler? It seems like you guys hate eachother but also get along? I'm confused.

wow, yet another identical question except for the name being changed. real creative copy paster...

anyways, dylan's alright. He gets slightly annoying when he says mean things and follows me but other than that hes ok

Saturday, September 1, 2012

What are your actual thoughts on Jay Decker? It seems like you guys hate eachother but also get along? I'm confused.

i think hes awesome when we do get along but whenever either he or i voices our opinions we both get all defensive and he becomes a trolling Dic*head and i hate him. as long as we are friends, we're best friends, but when we fight we're like mortal enemies. think of it as obi-wan and anakin. best buds until anakin turns evil then they hate each other.


p.s. thanks for this question and the 5 duplicates...dunno why you'd need to ask it 6 times (deleting the rest)